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***IMPORTANT Driver Safety Reminder***

RTG safety

We continue to see many instances of truck drivers get out of their cabs to adjust the pins on their chassis under or near working RTG cranes in the import delivery pads.  This is not permitted and is extremely unsafe.  Drivers must adjust their pins in the designated green areas which are the safe zones before they get to the working area of the crane’s RTG pad.

Any drivers caught getting out of their cab while in the RTG pad will be banned and asked to leave the terminal, no excpetions.

PLEASE relay this information to your drivers.



SFCT **Updated Traffic Pattern**

Please be aware starting Monday 7/29 we will be losing “H” 20’ import section of the yard (highlighted in yellow below)  to construction as part of our densification project that will ready this area for additional RTG cranes.

As a result we will be placing 20’ imports in the RTG pads along with 40’ containers, drivers will line up in their respective RTG pad to pick up their import. There will no longer be a 20’ import line as we have previously had.

All traffic for “J4, J5” will queue from East to West marked below, while the rest of the queues for E4, F4, G4, H4 will continue as we currently do West to East as marked in the red arrows below.

Exports, Reefers, and Empty Returns will continue to queue in blue as shown below.

Please notify your drivers of this important change hand have them check their tickets for what RTG Pad to go to when picking up 20’ imports and thank you for your cooperation.



Thank You!

SFCT would like to thank all who are complying with your appointment time slots.  Queue times outside our gates have been drastically reduced and the flow into the terminal has been more consistent. This has helped turn times within the terminal allowing your trucks to get in and exit faster and more consistently . We understand the extra planning it takes to dispatch drivers in this way and will continue to work with you to be as flexible as possible with your appointments, please reach out to us if you need to change time slots.

**As a reminder the windows are 30 minutes before and after each appointment time slot.  Ex. 0900-1100 will be allowed to arrive between 08:30 to 11:30 and not receive the penalty for missed appointment slot.**

Appointment Time Slot Enforcement (Update)

Starting Monday, April 15, drivers must arrive within their appointment time slot. A 30 minute grace period before and after each time slot will be given.  A $100 invoice will be charged to trucking companies who's drivers do not arrive within their respective appointment time slot.

In addition all trucks must have a appointment before arrival to terminal. If it is a dual transaction the pickup/drop-off must be "Merged" in Termpoint.


***SFCT New Gate Arm Advisory*** (Important Update)

Starting next Monday 10-30-23 gate arms at SFCT ingate in the attached photos will be operating to assist in helping control of traffic for new gate system.

Please advise truckers that they need to STOP when gate arms are down, any damage to the gate arms by trucks will be billed to responsible Trucking Company.

Please share these photos with them and advise your truckers of this important change at SFCT in-gate.



***Important SFCT Termpoint Driver Info Update***

Beginning Wednesday 3/29, anyone making an appointment at SFCT will be required to edit truck and driver info themselves in Termpoint under the Trucks and Drivers tab.

Once you add driver and truck info, this will then generate a email to our TSC group automatically, who will update the info on our end in the N4 system.  We will no longer be using or requiring you to use E-modal or to send emails to TSC for updates, and will allow you to keep your driver information up to date quicker than the current process.

We will be importing past driver data to assist in the process to start , but you will need to revise this information and ensure it is correct.  There will be duplicate drivers and some bad information such as license plate numbers, and information must be correct to make an appointment.  You won’t be able to edit this until it goes live next Wednesday 3/29, but please familiarize with the process now to avoid confusion.

You will need:

Driver Name:

  • Driver Name
  • PORT ID Number (no dashes or spaces)
  • Driver State
  • Truck License Plate Number
  • Truck State

Attached are instructions for this process, please forward to any contact you  have who currently makes appointments in Termpoint at SFCT, and don’t hesitate to reach out for any questions.

SFCT HSSE Basic Induction Training

SFCT is committed to providing a safe working area for all that visit our facility. We are proud to report our next step in that endeavor with the introduction of SFCT HSSE Basic Induction Training for Over the Road Drivers. This training will provide guidance on the protocols for a safe visit to all drivers that enter our facility.

The training is internet based and takes approximately 30 minutes to completed. Training comes in both English and Spanish.

Please share this link with all your drivers now so to avoid any unnecessary delays or disruptions once we go live.

Effective Tuesday, September 6th 2022, we go Live; any driver that has not taken the Basic Induction Training will not be allowed access to SFCT.

Feel free to email below addresses in copy; if you want to check if a particular driver has taken their induction training. Please provide their name and Port of Miami ID# in the email.

OTR RTG Spreader Bar Hazard

Recently we have had several close calls with Drivers pulling away from the RTG too fast and not allowing enough time for spreader to fully disengage from container once landed on chassis.

This could cause a very serious accident, including having the entire RTG topple over and collapse. 

SFCT - OTR RTG Spreader Bar Hazard

Please speak to your drivers and explain to them the seriousness of this issue and how immensely important it is that they are 100% fully attentive when taking a delivery from an RTG crane. The RTG blows the horn like a top loader, but if their DRIVER SIDE window is up they MAY not hear it. Encourage them to take appropriate steps to minimize risk involved: